Sunday, April 06, 2008


Shame on me for not updating more frequently. Just a quick check in about past, present, and future events.

Past.. Animal Spell, an exhibition of the work of Justin Bibbens and Amy Ross at Punch Gallery in the TK Building [Seattle]. Beautiful. There were animal crackers at the opening. yay!

Present. A million projects, some progressing along better then others. For lack of blogging, I am trying to keep my flickr updated with photos of my ongoing works. Check the "Design" section for projects and other shhtuff.

Future. Moving in two weeks into a lovely studio. Really lovely. Hardwood floors big windows crown molding chandelier with matching wall sconces lovely. As soon as the apartment is no longer a [complete] disaster, I will post pictures. Oh, and finals are also happening in two weeks. How does that work?, you ask. Well, it doesn't. Not very well, anyway.

Future future. I will blog more. Because on May 3 I will have completed two of my four years of college at Cornish, and will spend the span of time between May and September working myself to death to save up for next fall. A little sewing and furniture/apartment DIY will also happen.

1 comment:

manicmaven said...

hey kim, that recipe looks good. we don't usually use applesauce and instead rely on the egg replacer. the recipe john uses is from Vegan With a Vengance and is similar to the one here at post punk kitchen:

our address is soon to change. i'll text you with the new one. love, steph